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Urbanization has promoted the rapid development of the food packaging industry. What are the trends of food packaging in the future?

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Food packaging has become an increasingly indispensable and basic part of our daily lives, which is closely related to the trend of global urbanization. The reason is simple: when half the world's population lives in cities, which cannot provide the land and environment needed for agriculture, packing food and putting it on supermarket shelves is an increasingly convenient option for busy urbanites.

For food, good packaging can improve the cleanliness and freshness of food, and also allow the brand effect of food manufacturers to be displayed. In addition, good food packaging can prevent food spoilage, extend the shelf life of food, thus reducing people's waste of food. According to statistics, the world wastes 1.3 billion tons of food every year, just reducing waste is enough to feed the world's 1 billion hungry people.

According to the information provided by the World Packaging Organization (WPO), the global packaging industry turnover has exceeded 500 billion US dollars, of which food packaging is the pillar area. But food packaging in different countries and regions is also influenced by local dietary preferences. Japanese consumers have a strong aversion to packaging that looks incomplete - even a few insignificant creases can leave supermarket food empty. Fish and seafood are an important part of the Japanese diet, so they must be kept fresh and protected from spoilage. Food packaging often contains a small bag of silicone or starch polymer to absorb moisture. European consumers, on the other hand, are suspicious of moisture absorbers, and the inclusion of moisture absorbers in packaging may raise doubts about the food itself.

Although regional preferences may make food packaging different in different countries, we can still gain insight into several trends in the development of the food packaging industry.

Freshness first

People have high requirements for food packaging. Since food often has to be transported long distances from its origin to supermarket shelves, it is important to ensure that food is fresh and hygienic. It may take even longer for food to make its way from the shelves to the shopping basket to the table. Cutting-edge technology helps with packaging to ensure absolute freshness and hygiene. The synthesis of composite materials with different characteristics provides an ideal packaging for food. For example, the properties of the material at the bottom of the package are very different from the lid or packaging film.

Wear-resistant composite materials made of a variety of materials are suitable for air-conditioned packaging. This technology selects different protective gases to replace the air around the food depending on the type of food. For example, substituting inert gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide for oxygen can slow bacterial growth without using any additives. To ensure that the solution works, the packaging material must have good gas barrier properties. Otherwise, the protective gas will be lost quickly.

Safety first

Dangerous substances are not limited to the food itself - they can also come from packaging materials. In 2010, researchers at the Food Safety Authority in Zurich, Switzerland, found that mineral oil residues from cardboard packaging migrate to food. The root of the problem is that the ink used in newspaper printing enters the packaging through recycled paper. Trace residues can occasionally come from inks used in food packaging and printing. These mineral oil residues can evaporate at room temperature and then migrate to dry foods such as flour, rice or corn flakes. There is even the possibility of mineral oil migration whenever food shipping packaging contains recycled paper. According to the World Health Organization's Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives and the FAO, some mineral oils may cause cancer.

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